8 Ways that you can make money working from home

Right now, you may well be part of the huge proportion of the population which is being forced to work from home.   This may have opened your eyes to a whole new way of living and working, allowing for more flexibility and increased wellbeing? You may have found that you love working from home, and after this lockdown, you would like to set up your own business where you can make money working from home?

So once this is all over, why not ditch the day job and follow your passions, doing something you love and all from the comfort of your sofa (if you so wish!)

Here are our top 8 ideas on how to make money working from home

1. Start a Blog

Do you have a subject that you are particularly passionate about and want to share your knowledge and ideas with the world?

If writing / talking about something you love, every day, to an audience with similar interests, sounds fun and inspires you, then a blog/vlog (video blog) may be the way to go.

The key to making your blog/vlog successful and reaching a wide audience is to regularly add content (daily if possible) and share this content across suitable channels (Facebook / Instagram / Linkedin / Chat sites etc)

A few popular blog topics:

  • Food
  • Parenting
  • Political views
  • Product reviews
  • Business skills
  • Healthy living

2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping can be an ideal way of running an online shop, without having to invest in any initial outlay or hold stock yourself.

Dropshipping means that a customer orders a product through your site, which you then order from a third-party site and they ship the product out to your customer. By using dropshipping, you can sell products on Amazon, Ebay, Shopify or through your own website.

When looking for products to sell through your dropshipping site, you may want to do some research beforehand, look at what products sell well, what products are currently trending online, or can you foresee a new and upcoming trend?

Some good dropshipping sites you could use are;

3. Freelance Copywriting

Do you have a passion for writing?

You could offer your creative and/or technical writing skills to businesses. This could be writing their blog content, their website content, writing newsletters, emails, training materials and much more.

You don’t need any formal qualifications to become a freelance copywriter, however, having evidence of your skills is highly advantageous.

Some good sites to gain work as a freelance copywriter are;

4. Virtual Assistant

Are you a very organised person and enjoy helping others to be more organised too?

By being a virtual assistant you may need to carry out tasks such as managing calendars, organising meetings, carrying out digital marketing tasks and much more. You will need to be proficient in IT, communication, word processing and in any other tasks you may be set.

Places to look for virtual assistant jobs include:

5. Bookkeeper

Are you highly organised and good with numbers? If so then bookkeeping may be the perfect job for you to do from home.

As a bookkeeper, you will be expected to keep records of all the financial transactions of a business into their chosen software system. This may include sending out invoices, chasing payments, banking and filing VAT returns.

You will need to be qualified to become a professional bookkeeper, there are many online qualifications you can do to achieve this.

6. Cake Maker / Food Producer

Are you the next Mary Berry? Or do you have a passion for food?

Turn your foodie passions into a business by selling your creations to make money working from home.

If you wish to start a food business from home you will need to register your home kitchen with the local council and have a qualification in food hygiene (this can be achieved online)

7. Life Coach

Do you like to inspire people to be the best version of themselves they can possibly be? Do you like to help people set goals and work towards achieving them?

If so then life coaching could be your niche!

In order to be a life coach, you will need to decide on the specialist area(s) that you want to coach in. There are lots of online courses where you can achieve certified qualifications in life coaching and also further hone your skills.

Good sites to achieve online qualifications include:

Build up a following on social media by sharing some of your inspirational advice and engaging others.

8. Massage Therapist / Beauty Therapist

By being a beauty therapist, masseuse, hairdresser, nail technician etc you can offer therapies from your own home.

If you have a spare room to use for therapies, then you could transform it into a home studio. (check out your local regulations for insurance, permits etc for running this type of business from home)

Gain clients through local leaflet drops, listing in business directories, create a Facebook page or simply through word of mouth.


  • Reflexology
  • Massage
  • Hairdressing
  • Nail technician
  • Make-up artist
  • Tanning
  • Reiki

So, those are our top 8 ideas on how to make money working from the comfort of your own home.

A few other ways to make money working from home;

  • Dog walking
  • Fitness trainer
  • Accountant
  • Selling homemade crafts
  • Online tutoring
  • Childminding
  • Renting a spare room
  • Photographer / Painter

We hope you feel inspired to follow your home working dreams and begin your journey down the home working path.   Some great ways to promote your business are via digital marketing, Social Media and having your own website!

If you have any other ideas for how to make money working from home then we would love to hear from you.

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